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Returns Policy

By making a purchase from this store you agree to the following return policy.

In order to qualify for a return under this policy, all products must be in as new condition so that they are suitable for resale.  Any item that has been willfully or accidentally damaged while it has been in the customer’s possession will not be accepted and will be returned to the customer.

We typically offer a 14-day return policy. If for any reason in the first 14 days after the transaction has been completed you are unhappy with the item you may return it for a full refund or an exchange, whichever you prefer.

If the item is faulty on delivery the cost of return postage will fall on Mums’n’Bubs. We can either email you a return paid postage label for you to print out and use, or you can request reimbursement for your own expenses. A tax invoice will be required for reimbursement.

Refunds do not include the cost of postage.

Returns Conditions

1. No refunds or replacements will be processed or sent until after the item has been returned.
2. To qualify for a return all products must be in new and undamaged condition. You must not have damaged the item either willfully or by accident during the time it has been in your possession. It is deemed to be in your possession from the time that you accept delivery until it has been received back by us.
3. Should you as the buyer opt to DECLINE our goods at the point of delivery, the delivery is deemed successful and you have opted to initiate our standard returns process
4. The 14 day period in which you may take advantage of the return commences from the date in which you accept delivery of the item. If there is no tracking with proof of delivery the 14 days will commence 3 days after the sale has been processed.
5. If an item arrives damaged you must contact us within 2 days of delivery and provide photographic evidence of any damage. Anything beyond the two days will not be accepted as a damaged item.
6. Unless the item is faulty you must return the items at your own cost and you must comply with our directions. The item is your responsibility during transit. If it is lost or damaged during delivery we will accept no liability. Insurance and tracking will be your responsibility.
7. After receiving the returned product Mums’n’Bubs will initiate the refund, store credit, or exchange as soon as is reasonably possible.
8. Mums’n’Bubs reserves the right to modify this Returns Policy without notice.
9. The original postage price is not refundable. If an item is sold with “free shipping” the full cost paid for the item will be refunded. Additional express postage cost for free delivery items is not refundable.
10. All refunds for a change of mind will incur a 20% restocking fee from the refund amount. This includes if an item was returned as faulty but was deemed as not faulty. If we have facilitated the return of the item that is not faulty we will deduct return postage cost in addition to the 20% restocking fee.
11.  Return requests for items damaged in transit after 2 calendar days will not be accepted. We believe if an item is damaged in transit it is something that you should be able to identify on the day of receiving the item.
12. It is at our sole discretion to offer a refund, repair, replacement, or offer store credit for an item.

Our returns policy includes and does not seek to exclude or limit the rights that you have under Australian Consumer Law. Our products come with guarantees that can not be excluded under Australian Consumer Law. The warranties and product support that we supply are in addition to any consumer warranties and guarantees under Australian Consumer Law.

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